author: Dan Jurgens
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.55
book published: 2017
rating: 4
read at: 2017/06/29
date added: 2017/06/29
shelves: graphic-novels
'Superman: Action Comics, Volume 2: Welcome to the Planet' by Dan Jurgens will make you feel really confused if you haven't read Superman for a while, but come on in. The water is fine.
Superman is dead. Clark Kent is alive. Lex Luthor is Superman now. Also, there is a new Superman who is married to Lois Lane and has a son named Jon. That's just the beginning.
The new Superman wants to check out Clark Kent to make sure he isn't Superman in hiding. Lex Luthor really wants Superman's cape so he gets it the way only the super wealthy can. The new Lois Lane is on a mission from this world's counterpart to finish a book on the life and death of Superman. Did I mention that there is a SuperWoman too?
This collects Justice League 52 and Action Comics 963-966. It tells a pretty interesting story and sets things up for future stories fairly well. It will be interesting to see how Superman, Clark Kent, and Lex Luthor all play things out, and how Lana Lang fits into everything.
This volume has pretty decent art. There is also a cover gallery with some pretty striking covers. I like the one featuring alternating ribbons showing Superman and Clark Kent. There are also some pencil breakdowns for some covers and splash pages.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from DC Entertainment and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
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