author: Farel Dalrymple
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.61
book published: 2003
rating: 5
read at: 2017/02/08
date added: 2017/06/22
shelves: graphic-novels
'Pop Gun War: Gift' by Farel Dalrymple was one of the more unusual graphic novels I've read lately. That means I liked it quite a lot.
In a very unusual city (called The City), there are a very different group of people. A young boy named Sinclair finds a pair of discarded wings and uses them to fly. His sister Emily is in a rock band. There's a down on his luck guy named Addison, and a floating goldfish with glasses named Percy. There are others and they come and go in the series of stories here.
It's hard to describe this comic. The stories take place in a city like we know, but there are fantastical elements also which remind me about things like Little Nemo and Oz. There is wonder and sadness, compassion and anger. There is a story about Emily's band being pursued by someone who wants to make them famous, and one about the children of the city being taken and mesmerized. The stories are strange and wonderful as is the art. There are characters in bow ties and top hats. The city is grimy and dirty and somehow magical.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Image Comics, Diamond Book Distributors, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
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