author: Dave Dwonch
name: Wayne
average rating: 2.69
book published:
rating: 2
read at: 2017/06/29
date added: 2017/06/29
shelves: graphic-novels
'Infinite Seven: Volume 1' by Dave Dwonch, Arturo Mesa, and Geraldo Filho is kind of a mess both in writing and in art style. It's an interesting concept that gets sidelined by constantly leaning on pop culture and stereotypes.
There is a secret team of assassins called the Infinite Seven. They are infinite because when one team member gets killed, the person who killed them takes their place. That is what happens here. When eyepatch wearing Smash Brannigan is killed somehow by a young nerd, that inexperienced nerd gets to take his place. That involves danger room type training, harassment from fellow agents and being sent on dangerous missions. Rather than rely on new team members, this team seems to send them out to die.
The team has had many members over the years, and they have taken out many bad guys. The drawings of these will show lots of familiar looking faces like the Terminator and Sherlock to Chuckie and Jason. The team itself is a collection of stereotypes. An Asian guy in a yellow jumpsuit who is good at martial arts. A scantily clad female lucador. A gay British detective.
There are plot holes aplenty here, and things that just feel like they are thrown at the reader. I spent time being pulled out of the comic to look at the drawings of past members, but it didn't really matter for the story. The big reveal at the end felt pretty obvious to me from the start. The art style is cartoonish and caricatured and messy, but so is the story. I hoped I would like it more than I did. It was disappointing.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Diamond Book Distributors and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
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