author: Bryan Cranston
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.25
book published: 2016
rating: 4
read at: 2017/06/16
date added: 2017/06/16
shelves: non-fiction
'A Life in Parts' by Bryan Cranston is a memoir about the star who is most famous for Breaking Bad. If you are buying this mainly to learn about Heisenberg, you may be disappointed, but it's a pretty good read.
As the title states, this book is about a life in parts. Each chapter suggests the role that Bryan will discuss, such as Son, Walter, Producer, etc. I learned that after Bryan's father left, his mother had to get creative about how to make ends meet, so she and her two boys would sell things at the big swap meets in Southern California. I also learned that Bryan originally thought he might want to be a police officer. There is also information on the roles he played, a frightening love affair he had with a pretty unstable woman, and how he eventually met his wife, and what the creative process was like on Breaking Bad.
It's a creative idea for a format for a book. Mostly it works. Sometimes, it feels like the narrative flow gets hampered by the idea of keeping the chapters about one aspect at a time.
Still, it's an interesting read, and I felt like I got to know a little bit about an actor that I've admired for a while. I felt like I got into his head about how he approaches the acting process and that was interesting. I also found out that even he thinks it's weird that someone put a Walter White tattoo on their butt.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Scribner and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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