author: Lois Melbourne
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.95
book published:
rating: 3
read at: 2016/09/02
date added: 2016/09/02
shelves: children-s
'The STEM Club Goes Exploring' by Lois Melbourne seemed like a promising idea: a book showing possible careers to kids on a field trip.
The STEM club goes on a field trip and sees a number of careers involving STEM skills: a video game company, a veterinary clinic, a hospital and a mine. They talk to grownups and learn about these careers. At the end of the book is a pretty decent glossary of terms.
Since the U.S. government declared our deficiency in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math(aka STEM) a few years ago, the push has been on to add more education for kids. I'm not opposed to that. Not all jobs are for all people, but exposing kids to career options is a good thing. Unfortunately, this book comes across as kind of bland. The kids are a diverse group, but they come across as generic and indistinct. The careers featured are interesting to kids, I suppose, but the book didn't seem to be very inspiring. Instead, it seems to be the kind of thing an ambitious parent would force their kid to read.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Greenleaf Book Group and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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