author: Anthony O'Neill
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.88
book published: 2016
rating: 4
read at: 2016/09/01
date added: 2016/09/01
'The Dark Side' by Anthony O'Neill combined a couple genres I like: SF and Mystery. It does it well with a weird atmospheric story of black hearts and murder.
The moon has become the place where criminals end up. The colony they want to be in is called Purgatory. It's run by Fletcher Brass and he does pretty much whatever he wants. The only thing that might be worse than Fletcher Brass is his daughter, or Leonardo Black, the robot with amnesia, who is on a killing path to find and take over Purgatory.
Entering this strange world is an exiled detective from Earth named Damian Justus who has a pretty strong sense of justice. A recent murder sets him on the path to finding out what is happening and who is behind it. The chapters mostly alternate between the detective and the rampaging murder robot.
There is a lot of evil and bloodshed here. Since the populous is mostly criminals, it's hard to feel too sympathetic. Actually, it's a bit hard to feel sympathy for many characters except the detective. There are all kinds of elements here, including, for the first few chapters, a kind of travelogue if you find yourself travelling to this odd world on the moon. It was dark and moody and I really liked it.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Simon & Schuster and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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