author: Dana Cameron
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.30
book published: 2013
rating: 3
read at: 2014/08/12
date added: 2014/08/12
'Seven Kinds of Hell' by Dana Cameron is not the kind of urban fantasy I'd normally read, but I found the premise and the main character interesting enough to keep me interested.
Zoe Miller's mother is dying, and her last wish is to keep Zoe safe from her father. They've been on the run from him her whole life and she's never known them. Adding to that, her cousin Danny has been kidnapped and the kidnapper is demanding that Zoe bring him antique Greek statues as ransom. She has one, and she'll have to steal the second one. It turns out Zoe is also a werewolf and finds herself among a community known as the Fangborn. They try to teach Zoe how to use her powers. The story zips around exotic locations and archeological digs.
The payoff seemed a bit flat and there was kind of a long prologue bit that basically leaves the story open for the next book in the series. I like Zoe, and I liked that she was an archeologist and smart. I liked some of her friends. By the end of the book there seemed to be an overabundance of characters, but that's also probably setting things up for the next book too. Not bad, and I'll continue on.
I was given a review copy of this ebook by Amazon Publishing, 47North and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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