author: Tom Rath
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.54
book published: 2013
rating: 3
read at: 2014/08/12
date added: 2014/08/12
shelves: non-fiction
'Eat Move Sleep: How Small Choices Lead to Big Changes' by Tom Rath is a book that is as simple as it's name implies. That the message is given over and over again, merely reinforces it's importance.
As a person who is cancer-prone, the author investigated ways to make and keep himself healthy. The book makes the argument that what we eat, getting regular exercise and the quality and quantity of sleep we get are crucial to health. The choices we make throughout the day are compounded into good or poor health. Every chapter has 3 sections and some have tips for eat move and sleep or some combination of the three. The chapters are short and end with a summary. The summaries are all collected at the end of the book.
I thought at first it would get repetitious, and it does to some extent, but it's good, basic information and probably needs to be presented this way to get the message across. It made me think a lot about the choices I've made and how I can do better. It's a fairly quick read, and it does seem to fall into common sense, but it seems to be common sense that is failing some of us.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Missionday and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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