Thursday, September 22, 2022

Library Girl: How Nancy Pearl Became America's Most Celebrated Librarian

Library Girl: How Nancy Pearl Became America's Most Celebrated Librarian
author: Karen Henry Clark
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.52
book published:
rating: 5
read at: 2022/09/22
date added: 2022/09/22
shelves: childrens, non-fiction
'Library Girl
How Nancy Pearl Became America's Most Celebrated Librarian' by Karen Henry Clark with illustrations by Sheryl Murray is a picture book for young readers.

Nancy Pearl loved to read when she was young, but she got teased for it. Still she loved her school library and the school librarian also told her about the public library in town. Her love of books and libraries made her career choice easy at a young age.

This is a charming book about a young bibliophile. I loved the story and the illustrations that show young Nancy's imagination and love of books.

via Wayne's bookshelf: read

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