Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Man of Steel

The Man of Steel
author: Brian Michael Bendis
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.45
book published: 2018
rating: 3
read at: 2018/11/10
date added: 2018/11/10
shelves: graphic-novels
'The Man of Steel' by Brian Michael Bendis and a pile of artists, is Mr. Bendis' big move to DC and a chance to tell a story of the big boy scout.

We meet Superman in this book as he is being pummeled by Rogol Zaar, an intergalactic type intent on wiping out all things Kryptonian. We then take a flashback to events leading up to this. Lois and Jon are not in the picture, but we don't know why...yet. Superman/Clark Kent won't talk about it. A series of fires breaks out in Metropolis and Superman brings in Batman to help figure things out. Then the Fortress of Solitude is destroyed and Superman and Supergirl vow revenge. They find the being who wiped out Krypton, but can they stop him?

The story isn't bad, and neither is the art. There is a cohesion between issues that I liked. I've seen other Superman shakeups and this one had a few big things in it. It will be interesting to see how events here change things.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from DC Entertainment and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.

via Wayne's bookshelf: read

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