Wednesday, April 8, 2015



author: Paul Harding

name: Wayne

average rating: 3.36

book published: 2012

rating: 4

read at: 2015/04/08

date added: 2015/04/08



'Enon' by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Paul Harding, is a heartbreaking work. The story mainly takes place internally, but it's still a pretty great read, even if you want to scream and shout at the main character.

Charlie Crosby suffers the worst possible kind of grief at the beginning of this novel, the loss of a child. When he commits an act of violence, things just spiral further and further down. Charlie finds himself addicted, living in squalor and committing more violence in the town he has called home for his whole life. Can he break this cycle and resurface?

The time in the book shifts around like memory does in our minds. Rarely do we think linear, and neither does Charlie. He goes from memories of his grandfather, to trying to score more drugs, then to his last day with his child, and back around again. The book takes place over a year, but Charlie is so lost in himself and his actions that it's mostly lost to him and to us.

I liked the writing and while I had a hard time sympathizing with Charlie at certain points, it was still an interesting character journey.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Random House Publishing Group and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

via Wayne's bookshelf: read

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