Friday, November 21, 2014

Frankenstein (Dover Graphic Novel Classics)

Frankenstein (Dover Graphic Novel Classics)

author: John Green

name: Wayne

average rating: 3.60

book published:

rating: 4

read at: 2014/11/21

date added: 2014/11/21

shelves: graphic-novels


'Frankenstein (Dover Graphic Novel Classics)' takes a classic novel and combines it with a graphic novel and a coloring book. The results are really not bad for a book that's only 48 pages long.

It's a good introduction to the story of Frankenstein, and this is an adaptation of the book, not the classic Hollywood version, which changes much of the book. The book is told as a flashback, so there aren't a lot of word bubbles in the version. Lots of dialogue boxes and pretty good art. The themes are conveyed surprising well considering the concise nature of the book. It's short, but it's also about four bucks.

It might make a perfect gift for that nephew that likes monsters. Frankenstein is ghoulish looking with his stitched together monstrous appearance, and it's a pretty good introduction to a classic novel. It's a novel with themes that are still resonant today. A great story with good art with a good abridgement.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Dover Publications and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.

via Wayne's bookshelf: read

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