author: Gene Shaw
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.25
book published: 2014
rating: 3
read at: 2014/10/12
date added: 2014/10/12
shelves: non-fiction
'Journeyman: Eric Clapton -- A Photographic Narrative' is Gene Shaw's record of photographing and documenting concerts by and with Eric Clapton from 1982 to 2013. It's a glimpse into the life of a concert photographer and fan, but it kind of stays at the glimpse level, and I would have preferred more depth for particular concerts.
After a foreward and introduction by others, we learn how Gene Shaw came to be interested in Eric Clapton. Then we get into the concerts. Every concert starts with how Gene was able to get in. Sometimes it was by a hair, but with the help of friends, he was usually taken care of. He briefly describes the concert, what Clapton looked like, and any guests that were on stage with him. There is a set list and band roster for each concert and then photos. Sometimes there are only a very few photos. Sometimes there is travelogue for gigs that were in Europe or elsewhere in the States. Some of the photos are pretty good, and were even used in CDs or liner notes, some of them seem only a bit okay.
I'm impressed by his level of fandom, and the number of concerts he's been too, but after looking at pictures of 30 concerts, it all kind of runs together. I suppose for fans of Eric Clapton who want a record of concerts for this time period it will be of interest, but for those less specifically interested, it soon became a bit tedious.
I was given a review copy of this ebook by Dover Publications, Calla Editions and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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