author: Tony Sandoval
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.64
book published: 2011
rating: 4
read at: 2014/10/18
date added: 2014/10/18
shelves: graphic-novels
'Doomboy' by Tony Sandoval tells the story of how loss can propel our creativity. It's a harder edged story, but the art is kind of a strange juxtaposition to it, but I ended liking it.
The characters look really young with the style of art, so it was a bit strange to see them cussing, drinking and hanging out in clubs. I got used to the style and moved on to the story. Young D (or ID, it's hard to tell with the stylized way his name is spelled) has recently lost his girlfriend and finds himself with a hole where his heart was. A literal hole. Along with this, he's also not getting along with his band. He decides to take his music into a visceral space and try to broadcast it to his lost love. What ends up as an isolated project might end up reaching farther than he thinks. This doesn't solve all the problems, but gets him to move on with his life.
The art is unusual and, at times, completely beautiful. There are skyscapes that kept me glued to some pages. The story and art end up working, and I ended up liking this quite a bit. It is a bit rougher with language and drinking which might make the cover art deceiving for those thinking it's a lighter book, but it's a good read.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Diamond Book Distributors, Magnetic Press and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this interesting graphic novel.
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