Sunday, October 26, 2014

Dear Son: A Father's Advice on Being a Man

Dear Son: A Father's Advice on Being a Man

author: David Bruskas

name: Wayne

average rating: 4.60

book published: 2014

rating: 4

read at: 2014/10/26

date added: 2014/10/26

shelves: non-fiction


'Dear Son: A Father's Advice on Being a Man' by Dave Bruskas has the kind of title you might just overlook. When you realize that the author is a sonless father and this is his advice to a son he lost a long time ago, it takes on poignancy. The advice is solid and given over a lifetime of ministry to young men.

The book is divided into chapters, each focusing on a different characteristic of a young man's life. Titles like Christian, Brother, Provider and Citizen give you an idea of the content. Each chapter begins with a letter from Dave to his son, who died shortly after being born. As someone who has gone through a not unsimilar loss, I can agree that it's the kind of thing that stays with you. The letters are about milestones in the family: graduations, events in his sister's schools, and birthdays. After the letter is some Christian advice for young men. According to Dave, we have a crisis among young men who are not stepping into the roles they should to lead the next generation. There are illustrations from young men that Dave has led and shepherded.

It's a well written book and easy enough to read. I've heard Dave preach on a number of occasions and he has a similar writing style. It's personal, straightforward and sincere. Recommended for young men in their late teens to late 20s.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Tyndale House Publishers, Resurgence and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

via Wayne's bookshelf: read

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