Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

author: James Joyce

name: Wayne

average rating: 3.56

book published: 1916

rating: 2

read at: 2014/04/22

date added: 2014/04/22

shelves: classics


It's one of those books you're supposed to read. It's also on all those lists of books you're supposed to read before you die. Sometimes those are books that can change your life or change your perspective. Sometimes they make you wonder if the people who make the lists have actually read the books or just heard about them. Maybe it just means I'm dense and this book was too deep for me.

It's got a rambling narrative, filled mostly with conversation. Stephen Daedalus is a student, having a crisis of faith. He's also young and jovial and has a bunch of friends that he has conversations with. It's a pretty dry read. On the plus side, I'd rather spend a day with Stephen Daedalus than with Holden Caulfield. That guy I just wanted to slap.

Even worse, I'm supposed to love this book because I'm Irish. I feel like a total race traitor. Perhaps your mileage will greatly vary and you will love the book dearly. You can call me an obtuse philistine, and I will just remind you that there are lots of books, and not every book is for every reader.

via Wayne's bookshelf: read http://ift.tt/1jJ3ZJd

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