author: Rudyard Kipling
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.14
book published: 2013
rating: 4
read at: 2014/02/11
date added: 2014/02/11
shelves: classics
100 Poems: Old and New curated by Thomas Pinney collects some well known and even unpublished poems by Rudyard Kipling. According to Pinney, 25 of these are well known while the other 75 are classified as less known, published only in India or never in print. Not being that well acquainted with Kipling, I was only familiar with about 8 or the 25 most well known. This didn’t diminish how much I enjoyed this collection, but perhaps someone more familiar could see subtle differences between published and unpublished works.
Kipling is just as accessible today as ever. Many of the poems are about war and death. There are poems about gambling and drinking. It’s a manly collection of poems and possibly a good way to introduce poetry to those who think they don’t like poetry. It’s certainly the kind of poetry that the Ron Swanson character on the television show Parks And Rec would read and quote.
The poems included here are by no means comprehensive. For that, you’d need something like the 3 volume work, The Cambridge Edition of the Poems of Rudyard Kipling, also edited by Thomas Pinney. 100 Poems is a nice introduction, but it’s nice to know there is something more comprehensive (the 3 volume work boasts 550 poems). Apparently Rudyard Kilpling was much more prolific than I ever realized. I quite enjoyed this book and I’m quite happy that I read it.
I was given a review copy of this book by Cambridge University Press and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for letting me review this book.
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