Friday, September 27, 2013

The Reason for Dragons

The Reason for Dragons

author: Chris Northrop

name: Wayne

average rating: 3.75

book published: 2013

rating: 4

read at: 2013/09/27

date added: 2013/09/27

shelves: graphic-novels


Wendell's dad is dead, and he has nothing in common with his step-dad Ted. When Ted and Wendell have a fight, it leads Wendell on an adventure to the old, abandoned Renaissance Faire outside of town. He meets a knight there who is looking to kill a dragon, but is the knight who he says he is? Is there really a dragon?

It's a good coming of age story about a boy who doesn't fit in, and a knight who might not either. The art by Jeff Stokely uses the color palette of late autumn and early winter, with it's deeper, richer colors and falling leaves. There are leaves falling everywhere in the pages. I love fall, so I'm drawn to it's colors.

The book includes a series of short stories by other creators using the main characters of the book, Wendell, Ted and the knight, Sir Habersham. According to Sir Habersham, "You're either a knight, or you're not."

via Wayne's bookshelf: read

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