Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mouse Guard: The Black Axe (Mouse Guard, #3)

Mouse Guard: The Black Axe (Mouse Guard, #3)

author: David Petersen

name: Wayne

average rating: 4.49

book published:

rating: 4

read at: 2013/08/18

date added: 2013/08/18

shelves: graphic-novels


Celanawe is a mouse and a trusted guard in the medieval world of Mouse Guard. The world is populated by many intelligent animals, including the dangerous ferrets and foxes. When Celanawe is sent on a quest with the elder Em, it takes him on a journey over land and sea that will leave him forever changed.

This is my first exposure to the world of Mouse Axe, but I was struck by such a well written story. This book works as a stand alone. There are references to previous stories, but I was able to jump right in. The characters are multi-faceted and there is real emotion and complexity in their choices.

The art by David Petersen (who also wrote the book) is amazing and detailed. My only slight complaint was that it was sometimes hard to read Celanawe's narration as it was done with a Celtic calligraphy nod and there are some extra embellishments on some of the letters. Speaking of embellishments, each chapter opens with a full page of ornamentation, but this I really loved. There is some great creativity in here, and I'll be visiting the world of Mouse Guard again soon.

via Wayne's bookshelf: read

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