Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Lean Practitioner's Handbook

The Lean Practitioner's Handbook

author: Mark Eaton

name: Wayne

average rating: 0.0

book published: 2013

rating: 4

read at: 2013/06/25

date added: 2013/06/25

shelves: non-fiction-business


'The Lean Practitioner's Handbook' is a nice introduction to Lean and it's confusing amount of niche terms. Mark Eaton has quite a bit of experience with Lean and this experience serves as good examples of topics throughout the book.

Through the course of the book, you will learn to plan for Lean. You will learn the history of Lean and what Lean is and is not. There are charts, and the book includes sample templates. There are even expected pitfalls, like management buy-in and worker attitudes and how to address them. There is even a glossary to help you remember the difference between 2P and 3P and Muda, Mura and Muri.

Concisely written and structured very well. There were chapters that I found helpful even outside of a Lean structure. Lean is not something I would want to launch into with just this book, but it serves as a really good introduction and would be a very handy reference guide during the process. Well written and recommended for anyone contemplating Lean or adopting it.

via Wayne's bookshelf: read http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/584882267?utm_medium=api&utm_source=rss

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