Thursday, June 13, 2013

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time Volume 1

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time Volume 1

author: Scott Tipton

name: Wayne

average rating: 3.17

book published: 2013

rating: 3

read at: 2013/06/13

date added: 2013/06/13

shelves: graphic-novels


Doctor Who is celebrating it's 50th anniversary this year, and this is one of many projects that are celebrating that. It's a television show that has cleverly survived by building in a feature for it's main character to turn into different actors over the years and yet remain the same character.

Like a few of the other nostalgic tributes, it's a trip back in time (pun somewhat intended) to visit previous doctors, companions, etc. This means it isn't a very good starting place as a new fan to the show because there are lots of nods to 50 years of history, actors and actresses, etc. It also suffers a bit because the story arc isn't complete (hence the "Volume 1" in the title). Additionally each issue features one Doctor (and companions), so the flow between issues feels a bit sudden.

But for those with some familiarity with the characters, it's great to see old friends (and enemies). The art by Simon Fraser and Lee Sullivan doesn't focus on exact photo realism, but more of a comic, cartoon style that still brings the characters to life. I'm curious to know how the series will continue and roll more of the story arc in.

via Wayne's bookshelf: read

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