author: Max Brooks
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.02
book published: 2006
rating: 4
read at: 2013/03/30
date added: 2013/04/03
A series of interviews that occur post-zombie apocalypse shows a broad spectrum of humanity affected by the crisis. The multitude of characters in the book include political leaders, lone survivors and those fighting on the front lines.
It does lack a bit of suspense, because if the interview is occurring, the person telling their story obviously survived. Also, it does feel like all the action happens off-screen because it is told in flashback, so if you're looking for a traditional thriller, this might not be your cup of tea, but it is pretty well written book, and I did enjoy it.
The audiobook version I listened to had an incredible cast (and I hear they are remaking a more complete version with an even bigger cast), with Donald Sutherland, Mark Hamill and Rob Reiner among the cast. I really have no idea how they will make this into a movie since just about every chapter features a new character. I am looking forward to seeing how 'The Battle of Trenton' on the big screen, though.
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