Saturday, April 27, 2013

Judge Dredd Volume 1

Judge Dredd Volume 1

author: Duane Swierczynski

name: Wayne

average rating: 3.33

book published: 2013

rating: 3

read at: 2013/04/27

date added: 2013/04/27

shelves: graphic-novels


A fun romp through Mega-City One that manages to pay decent homage to the 2000 AD series that I used to read back in the 1980s. Judge Dredd is featured as well as Judge Anderson from PSI division.

The graphic novel features the first four issues of the series by IDW. The story by Duane Swierczynski is okay and has continuity over the 4 issues, but the book does end with a cliffhanger of sorts. The art by Daniel and Gulacy is garish and violent, which is perfect for the tone of the series. Judge Dredd is as rock-jawed as ever, and justice is doled out swiftly and violently. Each main story is followed by a smaller sub-story.

It's good to see Judge Dredd back in comics, and this was dark fun.

via Wayne's bookshelf: read

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