author: Flora Delargy
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.41
book published:
rating: 5
read at: 2023/01/05
date added: 2023/01/05
shelves: childrens, non-fiction
'Rescuing Titanic: A true story of quiet bravery in the North Atlantic' with story and art by Fora Delargy is a nonfiction picture book about a ship that rescued passengers from the Titanic.
The Carpathia was an oceangoing liner travelling from New York. Along with things like Morse Code and roles on the ship, the reader will see where the different classes of passengers dined, and how navigation was done at the time. When the RMS Titanic hit an iceberg and started sinking, the quick response by the crew of the Carpathia saved 705 lives.
Along with lots of really interesting facts, there are lovely illustrations that (to me) were reminiscent of the work of Virginia Lee Burton. I really enjoyed the story and I loved the artwork.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read https://ift.tt/YswcD13
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