author: Paige V. Polinsky
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.29
book published:
rating: 4
read at: 2022/12/18
date added: 2022/12/18
shelves: graphic-novels, non-fiction, childrens
'Incubators: A Graphic History' by Paige V. Polinsky with illustrations by Josep Rural is a graphic novel history of incubators for babies who are born early.
This tells the story of the development of infant incubators. To fund them, the technology and babies were put on display first in Europe, the in the United States. Many improvements came about over time including electricity, oxygen and new technology to make the units more accessible to the world.
This was an interesting read and I liked the approach to learning that it takes. The art is also really great. I like how the artist ages characters over the course of medical advancement.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read https://ift.tt/1vV0bzo