author: Christopher Hastings
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.50
book published:
rating: 3
read at: 2020/02/16
date added: 2020/02/16
shelves: graphic-novels
'Quantum & Woody #1' by Christopher Hastings with art by Ryan Browne is the first issue in the latest reboot of the series.
Quantum and Woody are wacky superheros who must stay in proximity with each other. This time around, there is a psychotic family who has kidnapped Congress, and Quantum and Woody find themselves right in the midst of things. Coincidence?
I thought the story was fine, but found the art to be a little too heavy on the lines, and a bit dark in color. This is a fun team of characters and a good team of creators, so time will tell.
I received a review copy of this comic book issue from Valiant Entertainment. Thank you for allowing me to review this issue.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read https://ift.tt/3bIAyJk
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