author: Reza Farazmand
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.17
book published: 2017
rating: 4
read at: 2019/08/27
date added: 2019/08/27
shelves: graphic-novels
'Comics for a Strange World: A Book of Poorly Drawn Lines' by Reza Farazmand is the second collection in the Poorly Drawn Lines series I've read. Either the series has gotten funnier, or my sense of humor has changed.
I reviewed the first volume of comics by this author/artist and didn't find much to laugh at. This time around, I was pleasantly surprised. The punch lines seem to hit better and are funnier. Maybe my favorite is about the guy whose beard grows longer as he imbibes stronger caffeine, until finally: tea!
The comic art is the same. Mostly droll faced humans and animals staring at the fourth wall. They are simply drawn figures, but that makes for clarity to the reader, and doesn't make them poorly drawn.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Penguin Group Blue Rider Press and Plume, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read https://ift.tt/2zqpAGC
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