author: Rodney Barnes
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.50
book published:
rating: 4
read at: 2019/06/09
date added: 2019/06/09
shelves: graphic-novels
'Quincredible Vol. 1: The Quest to Be the Best!' by Rodney Barnes with art by Selina Espiritu is an origin story from the world of "The Event" which has created a number of superheroes.
Quinton West has been affected by the meteor known as "The Event." In his case, he is given the power of invulnerability. The problem is that he doesn't know how that is helpful. He sees needs in his community and his journey is to figure out how to help. With the assistance of other superheroes in the area, he begins his journey.
I've read a few of the books in this series, and this is the best of the ones I've read. I like Quin's self-doubts, but also his super smarts. I liked the character journey. The art is good, but not outstanding. I look forward to reading more about this hero.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Lion Forge, Diamond Book Distributors, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read http://bit.ly/2WuKgeu
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