author: Adam Christopher
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.33
book published: 2015
rating: 3
read at: 2019/06/01
date added: 2019/06/01
'Made to Kill' by Adam Christopher seems to have all the things I like in a book: a noir detective story, a robot, and intriguing mystery.
Raymond Electromatic is a private eye, and a pretty good one. He's also the last robot, as all the rest were put out of commission. His office mate Ada is a supercomputer and has an inside voice in Ray's head. When a familiar looking woman arrives, Ray finds himself on the case in Hollywood. The plot becomes about something bigger than Ray anticipated, and now Ray may find himself in trouble.
I like the idea of this more than the execution. I'm not sure what exactly didn't work for me, but Ray feels like a cool gadget that never gets fully used. He spends a lot of time thinking about the emotions he should be having, but I just never felt any sympathy for him. Perhaps this changes in later books. I did enjoy the read and the flavor. I just wanted to like it more than I did.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Macmillan Tor/Forge and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read http://bit.ly/2Kp7trr
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