author: Thomas Dolby
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.50
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rating: 5
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date added: 2019/01/12
shelves: non-fiction
'The Speed of Sound: Breaking the Barriers Between Music and Technology' by Thomas Dolby was a well written autobiography.
The book is broken into two parts. In the first part, Thomas Dolby recounts his music career. From the early days of scrounging and building electronic keyboards, to stints in backup bands. He discusses his hits and misses, and the lessons learned along the way from the music industry.
In the second part, Mr. Dolby turns his back on the music industry and ends up in the world of internet startups in the 1990s. He recounts the trials and travails of Beatnik, the company he founded. He talks about the venture capitalists, the attempt at an IPO and the related stress.
It's told in such a gracious style. It felt like sitting down over dinner and hearing stories from a friend. Mr. Dolby is self-effacing, willing to discuss the missteps as well as the successes. It was fun to read and be reminded of the early days of the World Wide Web, a time of great creativity.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read http://bit.ly/2TPZwwV
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