author: Joshua Williamson
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.83
book published: 2018
rating: 2
read at: 2019/01/01
date added: 2019/01/01
shelves: graphic-novels
'The Flash, Vol. 8: Flash War' by Joshua Williamson is a big epic story about Barry Allen and Wally West that includes time travel and lost memories. I should have liked it more.
Wally West has been found alive, and while he is debating whether to tell Iris, he gets caught up in a time adventure kicked off by the recent death of Eobard Thawne. A group of heroes, including Captain Cold, is sent to collect Wally for questioning. Another speedster named Hunter Zolomon tricks Wally into thinking he can help Wally find his missing kids. This sets Wally off with Barry trying to stop him. Along the way, events occur that may change things in the Flash universe for a while.
The art is pretty mediocre. The story is long in narrative, and the way these two supposed heroes are written makes them jerks and unlikeable. Issues leading up to this one don't lead me to believe Barry and Wally would suddenly act this way towards each other.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from DC Entertainment and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read http://bit.ly/2SvXJwx
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