author: Owlin
name: Wayne
average rating: 0.0
book published:
rating: 3
read at: 2019/01/19
date added: 2019/01/19
shelves: graphic-novels
'How Do You Smoke a Weed' by Owlin, Lin Visel and Joseph Bergin III is a graphic novel guide for newbies to the world of legal marijuana.
Our guide is a young floral person named Sprout. Sprout wants to partake of pot, but first must be guided in the ways. There are lessons about the various strains and varieties. There are lessons about rolling joints, and using bongs. Sprout meets new friends, and learns new ways to get high. She also learns what it means to be too high and what to do about it.
I live in one of the many states where cannabis is legal. It seemed to be about time for something like this to come along. I was a bit worried that it might look a bit too much like a graphic novle for kids, and it kind of does, but there are warnings in the front and hopefully it stays in the hands of consenting adults.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Iron Circus in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read http://bit.ly/2RBv8cN
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