author: Andrée Poulin
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.62
book published:
rating: 5
read at: 2018/09/21
date added: 2018/09/21
shelves: childrens, non-fiction
'That's Not Hockey!' by Andree Poulin with illustrations by Felix Girard tells the story of young Jacques Plante and how he changed the game of hockey.
Young Jacques wants to play hockey so badly, but he doesn't have the right equipment. We see him play with a tennis ball instead of a puck, shin pads made out of potato sacks, and throughout it all, we realize "That's not hockey!"
When Jacques is drafted as a goalie by the Montreal Canadiens, he plays different. He also takes a lot of hits to his face, so he decides to wear a protective mask. He is ridiculed for doing so, but this doesn't stop him from taking care of himself, and today goalies all wear a protective helmet thanks to Jacques.
I loved the illustrations in this picture book. I also really liked the lesson of determination and standing up to folks who think you are different. It's a good lesson for all kids, not just ones who are hockey fans.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Annick Press Ltd. and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read https://ift.tt/2OJZeFJ
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