author: Kadzuya Konomoto
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.33
book published:
rating: 3
read at: 2018/07/03
date added: 2018/07/03
'Seto Utsumi #1' by Kadzuya Konomoto is a manga about two friends who sit on some stairs by a river and talk. That didn't draw me in, but that it got made into a movie and a tv series did.
In 8 plus stories, over 164 pages, nothing much happens besides dialogue. These two friends meet and talk about, well, not much. There is some competition over badminton, or whose sparkler will last the longest. There is a recurring bully that doesn't seem very threatening, and there is the girl that one of the boys awkwardly likes but can't ever seem to get the nerve up to approach. There is a bonus story at the end of this volume that explains how they met. And that's about it.
I suspect you'd have to be in the right frame of mind to enjoy this. It does remind me of other conversation driven media I've seen, but with more of the cynicism of youth thrown in. The art is really quite good. The characters don't do a whole lot, but the perspective is fluid and doesn't make the lack of plot feel static and boring. It's probably not for everyone, but I kind of liked it.
I received a review copy of this manga from Akita Publishing Co., Ltd. and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this manga.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read https://ift.tt/2KIt3UN
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