author: Heidi MacDonald
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.50
book published: 2015
rating: 5
read at: 2016/01/30
date added: 2018/03/22
shelves: non-fiction
'Secret Teachings of a Comic Book Master: The Art of Alfredo Alcala' is like sitting over coffee with an amazing artist and having him tell you all his secrets.
The introductions alone should make you take notice. There are intros by Gil Kane and Roy Thomas, who are comics legends, and they express their deep respect of Alfredo. There is a more personal introduction by Phil Yeh that talks about travelling with Alfredo. The bulk of the book is called, The Art of Observation, and Alfredo's tips to young artists are to draw everything and pay attention to everything around you. The book finishes with a kind of artist's commentary to an unpublished Voltar story.
Throughout the book are examples of Alfredo's work here in the States and from his early years in the Philippines. He was an influential artist on Conan the Barbarian and his own book Voltar. His style is bold and action-oriented. His figures have muscular anatomy and are finely detailed. I really appreciated learning more about this artist and getting to understand how much work he puts into every panel.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Dover Publications and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read http://ift.tt/2IGYbna
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