author: Amélie Callot
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.12
book published:
rating: 5
read at: 2018/01/04
date added: 2018/01/04
shelves: children-s, favorites
'The Pink Umbrella' by Aemlie Callot with illustrations by Genevieve Godbout drew me in with a delightful cover, and the winsome story inside made me smile.
Adele owns a cafe in a small community. It is open to everyone and also serves as a part time market, run by her friend Lucas, and cinema. When it's sunny out, Adele likes to sneak out and takes walks by the seaside, but when it rains, she just wants to stay inside and the weather really affects her mood. One day, after the market is over in her cafe, she finds a pair of pink rainboots that are just her size. This is followed by other gifts. Will this help Adele to embrace a gray rainy day?
The story is absolutely adorable. Adele is a completely likeable cafe owner. There may be something romantic going on with her and Lucas, but that's for older readers to perhaps speculate on. Here in the world of a children's book, it's pretty platonic. The vintage style illustrations by Genevieve Godbout are fantastic. Godbout has worked as an illustrator for the Disney consumer product line, and her whimsical illustrations can be found online. This was the perfect spot of color for a gray January day.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Tundra Books, Penguin Random House Canada, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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