author: Joshua Williamson
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.81
book published: 2017
rating: 4
read at: 2018/01/28
date added: 2018/01/28
shelves: graphic-novels
'The Flash, Vol. 4: Running Scared' by Joshua Williamson has Flash in a bind. It's also a bit of a follow up to Batman/The Flash: The Button, so it's better to start there.
Eobard Thawne is a fan of the Flash from the future. He's such a fan that he's made a museum, and even wanted to be the Flash. In the Flashpoint storyline, his weird fandom led him to kill Barry Allen's mother. Now, he is back. Along with that, Barry is confronted with lying to the woman he loves about his life as the Flash. Everything starts to come apart as Eobard seeks to destroy Barry's life and everyone around him.
The volume begins with a pretty good story with Hal Jordan and the Flash battling a villain called Multiplex.
I enjoyed the story, but I wish the art had been a bit better. This character is going through the wringer, and this story is maybe the culmination of it, with Barry standing in the tatters of his life. I've enjoyed reading this version of the Flash.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from DC Entertainment and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read http://ift.tt/2GqQh08
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