author: Matt Wagner
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.91
book published:
rating: 4
read at: 2017/11/12
date added: 2017/11/12
shelves: graphic-novels
'Will Eisner's The Spirit: Who Killed the Spirit?' by Matt Wagner with art by Dan Schkade and covers by Eric Powell is a loving tribute to mark the 75th anniversary of a famous creator's biggest work.
When our story begins, the main character is declared dead. His friends all start hunting for who killed him. Ebony White, Sammy Strunk, Commissioner Dolan and The Spirit's paramour Ellen all start following the likely suspects.
The Spirit has a lot of people who would like to see him dead, so this is a great way to revisit old friends and foes. Over 12 issues, that is quite a few. The story feels pretty much like a classic Spirit story (except perhaps grander in nature in keeping with an anniversary special). Dan Schkade does a great job with the art and I loved Eric Powell's covers which are all included here. Dave Lanphear's lettering is great in evoking those classic Spirit splash pages.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Diamond Book Distributors, Dynamite Entertainment, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
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