author: Adam Glass
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.50
book published:
rating: 5
read at: 2017/11/26
date added: 2017/11/26
shelves: graphic-novels
'Rough Riders Vol. 2' by Adam Glass with art by Patrick Olliffe takes historical figures and turns them into a kind of super team. I had a great time reading this.
What do you get when you team up Teddy Roosevelt, Jack Johnson, Annie Oakley, Thomas Edison and Harry Houdini? Something that in less deft hands might have been merely mediocre. Here they are out to solve the murder of President McKinley, and being chased by figures in Venetian plague doctor masks.
I am new to the series with this volume, but I had no trouble jumping right in. There are some steampunk type elements to the story, but they aren't overwhelming and actually enhance the story instead of trying to over-style the world. I like the different characters and the strengths they bring to the team. The issue of racism is touched on as two of the characters have felt it in their lives.
The art by Patrick Olliffe is pretty good. These historical figures are given physiques like superheroes, but it's in keeping with the story. The covers for these issues are included and they are all very striking.
I really enjoyed reading this and I think it struck all the right balances of story and art. Something happens to one of the main characters and it isn't really explained, but I assume that is for a future story.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Diamond Book Distributors and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read
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