author: Jamie Ford
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.00
book published: 2017
rating: 3
read at: 2017/10/19
date added: 2017/10/19
'Love and Other Consolation Prizes' by Jamie Ford is another historical fiction book that takes place in the Seattle area.
The story spans the two world's fairs that took place in Seattle. When the story opens, Ernest Young is dropping people off at the 1962 fair. His daughter, a reporter, wants to do a story about Ernest, which causes him to remember what happened at the Alaskan - Yukon - Pacific Exposition of 1909.
Ernest Young was forced to leave China when he was very young. Surviving the ocean crossing was just the beginning. Once he has lived in Seattle a while, he is auctioned off at the fair to the highest bidder. He ends up in a high end brothel working as a servant. His life there is better, and he ends up befriending a Japanese girl named Fahn, and the brothel owner's daughter Maisie. Their lives will change in the short years ahead.
I felt like this was a pretty by-the-numbers story. I didn't feel particularly surprised by anything that happened. Seattle names and landmarks are liberally sprinkled throughout the story to the point where it felt like a bit too much. This author has written better characters and stories before this one.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Ballantine Books, Random House Publishing Group, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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