author: Gillian G. Gaar
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.17
book published:
rating: 3
read at: 2017/10/14
date added: 2017/10/14
'Hendrix: The Illustrated Story' by Gillain G. Gaar with Dave Hunter, Harvey Kubernik, Chris Salewicz and Jaan Uhelszki (with numerous other sources), is a coffee table book filled with pictures timed with what would have been Jimi's 75th birthday.
Jimi didn't live on this earth long, but he had a profound effect on music that is still felt to this day. Considering how addicted he was to drugs and women, that is a pretty amazing thing. This book tells the story from Jimi's childhood to the early bands and on into his fame. There are contracts and friendships broken. There are lots of destroyed guitars. There is a death that was far too soon.
Among all the facts (and some speculations), are photos of Jimi, and photos of bands Jimi was in (sometimes without Jimi in the photo). There are pictures of concert photos and tickets and album covers. The end of the book spends a lot of time on what happened with Jimi's estate and the fighting that occurred over it. It is part of the story, but I don't know how I feel about it being part of this book.
There are certainly lots of opinions about Jimi Hendrix and there is a lot of vague truth. This book is not bad given it's length, but for serious study of this life, there are probably better books out there (some of which are quoted from throughout this one). The photos in this book are worth the price though.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Voyageur Press, Quarto Publishing Group, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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