author: Gabe Koplowitz
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.33
book published:
rating: 4
read at: 2017/09/09
date added: 2017/09/09
shelves: graphic-novels
'Allen: Son of Hellcock' by Gabe Koplowitz and Will Tracy with art by Miguel Porto and Kendra Wells was a title I was a bit skeptical about when I read the synopsis.
Hellcock and his band of heroes have had their day, but those days ended when Hellcock was eaten by a dragon (it happens early on, so consider this a non-spoiler). Years later, his son Allen is being badgered by the ghost of his dad, but Allen is not cut from the same cloth. Hellcock's old nemesis, Lord Krong, has the same problem with his son, Kaarl, except Kaarl seems bent on stirring up trouble. So Allen gets his dad's old gang together, and hits the adventuring trail. Can this fatherly disappointment save the day and make his ghost dad proud?
It could have gone either way, but, surprisingly, I thought it worked. The art is fairly clever too. The joke runs a bit thin, but the authors bring in some things that break the fourth wall and give the story some new angles. I found Allen a likeable character, even in his clumsy ineptness. Perhaps I could relate.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Z2 Comics, Diamond Book Distributors, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
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