author: Zachary Auburn
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.53
book published:
rating: 2
read at: 2017/08/26
date added: 2017/08/26
'How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety' by Zachary Auburn is a parody title. It skewers certain right wing ways of thinking about a variety of subjects.
The book is a series of pamphlets from the fictional American Association of Patriots. There are talks about gun safety, evolutions, abstinence, online safety, drugs, puberty, postapocalyptic survival, and, of course, satanism. Each issues dire warnings, and a seemingly endless use of cat puns for your amewsment (sorry, I couldn't resist). There are also photoshopped pictures of cats holding guns or participating in satanic rituals.
Of course, cats don't use guns, but that makes them perfect substitutes for children, I suppose. The main problem with the book is that the material runs a little thin after a while, and the parodies just aren't all that funny. It might have been best as just the first pamphlet alone, but that would have made for a very short book.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Crown Publishing, Three Rivers Press, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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