author: Ward Moore
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.33
book published: 1954
rating: 4
read at: 2017/07/09
date added: 2017/07/09
'Lot and Lot's Daughter' by Ward Moore is a collection of two stories written during the 1950s. Unlike most "prepper" fiction today, I think it paints a pretty realistic view of how some might survive in the aftermath of disaster.
In Lot, Mr. Jimmon has been preparing for the day when disaster will hit. He's been stockpiling and planning his escape route and even where he thinks he can ride out the catastrophe. When it finally hits (and the beginning of the story), the family hits the road. The problem is that everyone else does too. Also, his family wants to delay his escape with their biological needs. Finally, in a calculated move, Mr. Jimmon does what he thinks he must to ensure his survival.
In Lot's Daughter, it is now years later and Mr. Jimmon in encamped with his daughter and a young boy. He forages for food, mostly unsuccessfully, while his daughter stays in camp and does the bulk of the work. As things fall apart, we see that Mr. Jimmon is not really all that prepared for this future after all.
There is an introduction by Michael Swanwick and a short bio at the end of the author, including pictures.
Mr. Jimmon is never a likable protagonist, in my opinion, but these are good stories of the dream of survival versus the reality. I am glad I got the chance to read these stories.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Open Road Integrated Media and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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