author: Gerard Way
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.95
book published: 2017
rating: 3
read at: 2016/10/20
date added: 2017/07/01
shelves: graphic-novels
'Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye' by Gerard Way and Jon Rivera with art by Michael Avon Oeming takes a little known character from DC that was first around in 1960 and gives him a weird twist via DC's Young Animal line.
Young Animal is just a weird imprint. I like Doom Patrol quite a bit. Shade the Changing Girl is something that might grow on me, and now we have this piece. It's just as strange as the other titles from Young Animal. Cave buries his wife and has to deal with his estranged daughter Chloe. He works at EBX which seems to be a corporate gig but includes excavations and cave digging. He's got a weird cybernetic eye (hence the title) which reports strange things to him.
I just read that and it sounds somewhat normal, but this comic is not. Add in the strange art by Michael Avon Oeming. Sometimes the characters look like puppetmation, sometimes things are just skewed and off. There is a really weird backup comic called the Wonder Twins by Tom Scioli included in this issue.
I like weird comics. I don't know how many weird comics I can take, but if you like weird comics, check out this one.
I received a review copy of this issue from DC Entertainment and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this issue.
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