author: Elizabeth Strout
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.49
book published: 2016
rating: 5
read at: 2017/05/06
date added: 2017/05/06
'My Name is Lucy Barton' by Elizabeth Strout is a personal character remembrance told from a hospital bed. And it's another well written book by Strout.
Lucy Barton is in the hospital recovering from an operation (we never learn what). She is surprised when her mother comes to visit her. She hasn't spoken to her mother in years, and her mother is terrified of flying, and yet here she is by Lucy's bedside, having arrived by airplane.
Most of the book is Lucy reminiscing about her life. From her poor and troubled beginnings to her desire to become a writer, we watch this somewhat scared person become a beautiful person and find her way in life.
This is a quiet story, but Strout has an amazing gift for language and character. If you've not read anything by her, I highly recommend her, and this isn't a bad place to start. Her language sparkles and her characters feel like people you could run into in your daily life. They have the weight and dimensionality of real people. Strout's work always makes me look more kindly at the people I run in to.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Random House and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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