author: Rika Tanaka
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.71
book published: 2006
rating: 2
read at: 2017/05/26
date added: 2017/05/26
shelves: children-s, graphic-novels
'Kilala Princess: Volume 1' by Rika Tanaka and Nao Kodaka is a manga from TOKYOPOP from their Disney line. Other titles I've seen have been adaptations of Disney films. This was was different. Different isn't always a good thing.
Kilala is a girl who is obsessed with all things Disney. When she wakes up a handsome prince named Rei, she somehow becomes a princess. She and Rei decide to try to find her friend Erica who has disappeared. They set out on a quest that leads them to the world of Snow White and the seven dwarves. Along with the good characters, there are also the bad ones, so the evil queen can't be too far behind.
This volume only has Snow White, unless you count the random drawings of other Disney princesses that show up inline with the story. The art is fine, but the story is just strange. It also doesn't conclude here. There is a Disney princess in the volume for some of the story, but it hardly makes sense why she would be here. Maybe in a future volume, we'll find out Kilala has had a breakdown and all these fantasy creatures are only in her mind.
I received a review copy of this manga from Tokyopop, Diamond Book Distributors, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this manga.
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