author: Henry David Thoreau
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.79
book published: 1854
rating: 5
read at: 2017/04/29
date added: 2017/04/29
shelves: non-fiction, classics
'Walden' by Henry David Thoreau holds up pretty well for a book written in 1854. I found the writing style to be easy enough for my 21st century brain to comprehend.
This is a non-fiction book about the two years that Thoreau spend in a cabin out by Walden Pond near Concord, Massachusetts. The book is full of details such as the costs he will save by living off the land, and how the pond changes throughout the seasons. He spends time talking about the neighbors he has, both human and animal. He gives opinion about the pursuits of other people he knows and their degraded way of living. It ends with an entreaty to explore the world around us for "The universe is wider than our views of it."
I grew up near woods, and I spent many days wandering them alone. I learned to listen to the sounds and see the animals and signs they left. This book resonated with that younger version of myself. I really enjoyed the time I spent with Walden.
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