author: Peter Milligan
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.35
book published: 2017
rating: 4
read at: 2017/04/06
date added: 2017/04/06
shelves: graphic-novels
'Britannia' by Peter Milligan with art by Juan Jose Ryp tells a mystical tale of ancient Rome. It also includes some good essays on the real Rome that made this a pretty good read.
Antonius Axia is a front line soldier in Caesar's army. He has an encounter with a strange being and rescues a woman before he is seriously injured. The Vestal Virgins back in Rome are grateful to him and heal him. They also charge him to discover what is going on back in Britannia where he was. He is the First Detective and with his servant Bran, they will try to untangle the weirdness in this strange land. Emperor Nero may have his own agenda for the work that Antonius is doing.
This collects 4 issues. At the end of each issue is an essay about a subject found in the pages. There are essays on the Vestal Virgins, Nero, Roman Britain, and the Roman Centurion. These shed interesting light on how people and events are portrayed in comics and movies, and how they might have actually been. I really liked this aspect of the graphic novel.
And it is a graphic novel. The art is really topnotch. I like the detail in things like a bicep holding a raised sword or the strange flowering monsters. Gore and nudity show up throughout the book, so it should be considered for mature readers.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Valiant Entertainment, Diamond Book Distributors, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
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