author: Karen Salmansohn
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.81
book published:
rating: 2
read at: 2017/03/11
date added: 2017/03/11
shelves: non-fiction
'Open When' by Karen Salmansohn is a book of 12 letters that you can pop open during various life moments.
Each letter contains a time to open, like when life gets messy or after you've been hurt. They all have as few as a sentence, and in some cases some short paragraphs. There is design and typeset for each one, but I didn't find myself overly impressed. Some of the advice seems good, but some feels a bit mean-spirited. The advice for when someone's been mean is that "sometimes the first step to forgiveness is understanding that the other person is an Idiot" (that last word in larger font and all caps). Perhaps that would spur a laugh, but it served another purpose for me.
The book is very short and feels mostly pretty light in the advice it gives. This is a book for the mildly hurt or grieved, not for the deep hurts we sometimes have. These are band-aids, not deep surgery. Maybe this is a gift book for that friend who is always having shallow problems.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Ten Speed Press and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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